Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why can't we?

photo: mynottinghill.blogspot.com

I saw this post about the Richmond Designer's Show House here. And all of a sudden I am seriously overwhelmed with the most fierce sense of competition! And not a personal competitiveness in which I want to out do some other designer (so not me!), but on behalf of Birmingham (and being originally from Charlottesville,VA doesn't hurt) I know that we've got the talent that Richmond has! Why doesn't our showhouse ever reflect that talent?

Don't get me wrong, there were some great but small examples of local designers' work at our last showhouse. But for the most part it has become an opportunity, in my view at least, for home/lifestyle shops to showcase their wares. When I toured the home, I rarely felt like I wanted to stop and take in a room's details, or enjoy the feel of the space. Nothing made me pause and think wow! I was mostly just feeling like I wanted to get out of a massive furniture showroom where I was constantly trying to be sold something!

Okay, I may be getting a tad more critical than I should. All that is to say that I KNOW Birmingham could take it up a notch! Let's get our fabulous local designers, both experienced and green, and maybe entice some nationally published southern designers from the surrounding areas into the mix as well.

I just can't bear the thought of Richmond besting Birmingham!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you're back! Love the name, the logo and the content thus far.
